vBulletin test site

Hey guys,

I’ve installed vBulletin on our server running on a database of about a month old. The site is fully functional. Imported data includes:

  • All members
  • All avatars
  • All forums
  • All posts
  • All attachments
  • All private messages

I would like to ask you to test the forum and post any stangeness here. If all goes ok we’ll switch to vBulletin within the next month.

This is for testing only! Do not post expecting a reply from someone else.
Please do:

  • register new accounts (and test if this works)
  • make new posts (and test how this works)
  • edit posts (and test bla bla bla)
  • reply to posts (and test bla bla bla)
  • edit your profile
  • check your private messages
  • etc etc

This will not be the final theme, we will launch with a different theme.



Timothy, do you have ideas to improve that forum, add features and change a few things?
Personally I would run that vBulletin forum for more then a month, add some features and tweak it.
I’ve checked it out and if you want I can make a list of things what could be improved, changed or added.

Right now the current forum has some things I really like when I compare it with vBulletin, but well a forum can be tweaked. :slight_smile:
If you find it a good idea I can make a that list of what could be changed and post it in here, but I need more then a few days to think about what I should add and not.
I have eye for webdesign and I know quite a lot about php, javascript, html and css.

One of the first things that catched my eye was the way how to insert smileys. :slight_smile: Maybe because I use them a lot, and I didn’t like those that are included with the forum, but I can pixelart a few new ones in the style we have now and make them more advanced or add even more of them.
2th was the way how to post, insert possible code, quotes, images and links. I’m missing those things, but I like the rating that’s included.

first thing I noticed is that urls in sigs dont show up.

hmm. also, I didnt find lot of new options … are those yet to be installed? like nicer editor and mod tools?


Ah I haven’t set the moderator permissions properly yet. The nicer editor should be working, if not it may also be a permissions problem I have to look into, or it could be that your browser + platform is not supported. But most are. For instance firefox + OS X (my setup) is fully supported.


Well, for one thing, I am very happy to see the rating system in place. Is it up and working yet though?

I was wondering about the mod tools as well, but you answered that above. I’ll wait to see those.


Since I caught this thread pretty quick I thought I would go through a few of the more mundane tasks to make sure everything works. Maybe wasn’t needed but I did it anyway.

Here are all the things I did, and they all worked:

  • Logged in with VividHazE
  • Viewed PM’s and sent/delete PM’s
  • Registered new account and logged on.
  • Posted reply to active thread.
  • Created a new thread.
  • Edited a posts content.
  • Changed Avatar picture.
  • Attached file to post.
  • Included an image in the post.
  • Gave the post a rating.

EDIT: My setup is FireFox 1.5 with Windows XP SP2. :slight_smile:

The name I created was VHTestName(http://www.blenderartists.org/forum/member.php?u=15996
and a post I created was http://www.blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?p=522221&posted=1#post522221

Hope that was a bit of help! :slight_smile: I’ll give some suggestions to improve it when I’ve had a better look at the site.

The only problem I’ve found so far is that the time zone (in profile) wasn’t imported.

Those pages you get when performing certain actions (such as signing in or unsubscribing to threads) that say “Thank you for blah blah blah, please wait to be redirected or push this button to proceed” are very irksome to me. Is there a way to disable that?

I have to say that I don’t like it at all. That forum almost got me a headache. Is it possible to change the interface a bit more cleaner with less graphic stuff? It feels like I have to search the whole site to find the links because of the BIG shiny icons. :-?

Glad to see some work being done here… question: will all the old elysiun hyperlinks be redirected or edited to refer to the new urls for the threads etc? It’d sure be a shame to lose all the interconnectivity of the links in the forum database… its what makes it such a great resource to find info/help…

I’m sure it’ll be handled… just my obsessive-compulsive-worry-node kicking in…

Yes that is something I want to spend some extra attention on, it is not very trivial but definately possible without too much trouble.


I believe I did see an option for that come by, but will have to look for it because there are literally a thousand options.

I just noticed that my post count is off by about ~70, does that have to do with the database you used to import the users from? I don’t really care about the number, but I want this to go off without a hitch, if ya know what I mean.
EDIT: Just looked at my post count and it’s more like a hundred. %|

EDIT2: It also looks like you can post in the old BF forum (I just did). :expressionless:

digital_me: Yes indeed, Timothy is using an older backup of the forum. Thus, you are able to do things that you would not be able to.


It worked fine for me. I like report bad message, minimum of 10 characters, who’s online page, reason for editing/deleting and some more things. That will make it a better forum. I found no problems. Though I didn’t like the small paper icon where the message titel is placed. I liked it more in the header above it. Usually nobody fills it in.

Oh, don’t you worry!

That is not a permanent interface. Timothy is just testing the db and php base right now to get functionality. Then he will add the inteface to comply with all themes and such.

I do believe that is the default vb interface.

you might want to change the new PM email.
sender: Forums, Subject: New Private Message at Forums

Dear BackiZ,

You have received a new private message at Forums from Goofster. Please click
here to log in and read it:

All the best,

Awwww…I wanted to start randomly moving and locking threads with the ubercool ajax…


apologies if this has already been mentioned, but it appears that color and list tags don’t work:

example: http://www.blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=55159

Also, when you guys are working on the new theme, please avoid white (so hard on the eyes) :D.

Thing i’ve tried that work:

Bumping up a thread