flash export!

to all you python guru’s

now i was wondering…

how do i convert c code to working python
i found the c code for flash export, and now i want to get it working with blender.

if anyone can help, or perhaps give me some working pointers it would be a great help!!!

// This code snippet shows how to parse DefineShape,
// It also includes a bug fix to ParseDefineShape.

BOOL CInputScript::ParseShapeRecord(char *str, int& xLast, int& yLast)
// Determine if this is an edge.
BOOL isEdge = (BOOL) GetBits(1);

if (!isEdge)
    // Handle a state change
    U16 flags = (U16) GetBits(5);

    // Are we at the end?
    if (flags == 0)
        printf("	End of shape.

return true;

    // Process a move to.
    if (flags & eflagsMoveTo)
        U16 nBits = (U16) GetBits(5);
        S32 x = GetSBits(nBits);
        S32 y = GetSBits(nBits);
        xLast = x;
        yLast = y;
        printf("	moveto: (%d,%d)

“, xLast, yLast);
// Get new fill info.
if (flags & eflagsFill0)
int i = GetBits(m_nFillBits);
printf(” FillStyle0: %d
“, i);
if (flags & eflagsFill1)
int i = GetBits(m_nFillBits);
printf(” FillStyle1: %d (%d bits)
“, i, m_nFillBits);
// Get new line info
if (flags & eflagsLine)
int i = GetBits(m_nLineBits);
printf(” LineStyle: %d
“, i);
// Check to get a new set of styles for a new shape layer.
if (flags & eflagsNewStyles)
printf(” Found more Style info

        // Parse the style.

        // Reset.
        m_nFillBits = (U16) GetBits(4);
        m_nLineBits = (U16) GetBits(4);
    if (flags & eflagsEnd)
        printf("	End of shape.


    return flags & eflagsEnd ? true : false;
    if (GetBits(1))
        // Handle a line
        U16 nBits = (U16) GetBits(4) + 2;   // nBits is biased by 2

        // Save the deltas
        if (GetBits(1))
            // Handle a general line.
            S32 x = GetSBits(nBits);
            S32 y = GetSBits(nBits);
            xLast += x;
            yLast += y;

            printf("	lineto: (%d,%d).

", xLast, yLast);
// Handle a vert or horiz line.
if (GetBits(1))
// Vertical line
S32 y = GetSBits(nBits);
yLast += y;

                printf("	vlineto: (%d,%d).

", xLast, yLast);
// Horizontal line
S32 x = GetSBits(nBits);
xLast += x;

                printf("	hlineto: (%d,%d).

", xLast, yLast);
// Handle a curve
U16 nBits = (U16) GetBits(4) + 2; // nBits is biased by 2

        // Get the control
        S32 cx = GetSBits(nBits);
        S32 cy = GetSBits(nBits);
        xLast += cx;
        yLast += cy;

        printf("	curveto: (%d,%d)", xLast, yLast);

        // Get the anchor
        S32 ax = GetSBits(nBits);
        S32 ay = GetSBits(nBits);
        xLast += ax;
        yLast += ay;


", xLast, yLast);

    return false;


void CInputScript::ParseShapeStyle(char *str)
U16 i = 0;

// Get the number of fills.
U16 nFills = GetByte();

// Do we have a larger number?
if (nFills == 255)
    // Get the larger number.
    nFills = GetWord();

printf("	Number of fill styles 	%u

", nFills);

// Get each of the fill style.
for (i = 1; i <= nFills; i++)
    U16 fillStyle = GetByte();

    printf("	Fill Style #%d is %d

", i, fillStyle);

    if (fillStyle & fillGradient)
        // Get the gradient matrix.
        MATRIX mat;
        PrintMatrix(mat, str);

        // Get the number of colors.
        U16 nColors = (U16) GetByte();

        // Get each of the colors.
        for (U16 j = 0; j < nColors; j++)

        printf("%s	Gradient Fill with %u colors

“, str, nColors);
else if (fillStyle & fillBits)
// Get the bitmap matrix.
printf(”%s Bitmap Fill
“, str);
// A solid color
U32 color = GetColor();
printf(”%s Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX %06x
", str, color);

// Get the number of lines.
U16 nLines = GetByte();

// Do we have a larger number?
if (nLines == 255)
    // Get the larger number.
    nLines = GetWord();

printf("	Number of line styles 	%u

", nLines);

// Get each of the line styles.
for (i = 1; i <= nLines; i++)
    U16 width = GetWord();
    U32 color = GetColor();

    printf("	Line style %-5u width %g color RGB_HEX %06x

", i, (double)width/20.0, color);

void CInputScript::ParseDefineShape(char *str)
U32 tagid = (U32) GetWord();
printf("%stagDefineShape tagid %-5u
", str, tagid);

// Get the bounding rectangle
SRECT rect;

// ShapeWithStyle
BOOL atEnd = false;


InitBits();     // Bug!  this was not in the original swfparse.cpp
                // Required to reset bit counters and read byte aligned.

m_nFillBits = (U16) GetBits(4);
m_nLineBits = (U16) GetBits(4);

//printf("m_nFillBits:%d  m_nLineBits:%d

", m_nFillBits, m_nLineBits);

int xLast = 0;
int yLast = 0;

while (!atEnd)
    atEnd = ParseShapeRecord(str, xLast, yLast);


any clues?

Sorry for the late answer.

Why don’t you try ming (http://ming.sourceforge.net/) to export blender objects to Flash. Or take a look at the sourcecode, maybe this can help you.


there´s also a Python wrapper for ming. Has anybody tried this?

It´s a shame that curves are not accessible from Python in Blender
