Node packs/ presets

since the node editor supports groups would it be possible to have preset groups for node materials such as SSS. there could be a text file with instructions on where to place the nodes in a material so that the effects can be scene, these wouldnt need to be in detail. something like “connect to mix node with other material” or something simialar. i think this would be a good idea since most other programs come with a few presets. also hair, water/ ocean node material presets would be good. Im working on a short film with a bunch of freinds and i (ill have to ask the rest) would be more than happy to donate some materials that will be used. what do you’s think of this?

I’m assuming you could append them from another file. If so, you could create a library of simple presets.

This way they can be updated and improved as needed.


I just made a simple node material in a file I’m working on, saved it, open new, and went to append, I found out you can append node materials from another file. Just go to materials and pick the one you want (note it won’t say node or N in front of it but it’s there)