How to use the retopo tool?


I am looking for some help on how to use the retopo tool from the GSOC project. I have been trying to get it to work but with little success, I don’t get the vertices to align to the surface. Is there somewhere a tutorial on how to use this great tool? The posts that I found by searching didn’t help me figure this out so far.


Hi again,

Just to make it a bit clearer what I mean, this post shows what I’d like to do.
When I am doing the same it just creates a flat surface as shown in this picture:

What am I missing? Thanks again! :wink:

I never used the Retopo tool (nor any other new feature in cvs) but I think the Using Retopo page (and maybe Sculptmode, Multires, and Retopo as well) by the coder of the feature (Nicholasbishop?) might help you :slight_smile:

Other than that I’ve got no idea, sorry.


PS: These pages are located on a user-page in the wiki, so searching for it unprepared will turn up nothing.

Hi Werner,

Thanks a lot for your reply, that is exactly what I was looking for! I got it to work just fine now with the instructions provided there. :smiley: Yeah, I searched on there but couldn’t find those pages, they are definitley very helpful.

Thanks again! :smiley: