Q: About Python cgkit....

I am trying to write a script that will make use of some nice modules from the Python computer graphics kit ( http://cgkit.sourceforge.net )… Problem is, allthough when I tested cgkit directly from python everything seems allright… when I’m trying to run a script from within Blender, it seems there are some problems…

for example when I try just to import the module, I get:

from Blender import *
from cgtypes import *

I get the following error:

Import error: /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/cgtypes.so: undefined symbol: _PyObject_GC_Del

Why does that happen???

Is it a bug in cgkit, or a compatibility issue, between Blender and cgkit??? Is there anything I should have done during pycgkit’s installation in order to avoid this issue (allthough I don’t think that there could be such a case…)???

I’ll most probably contact those guys to, to ask them a few questions, but I wondered if there was anyone else here that has tried it…

Has anybody actually, used Python cgkit with success???


Never mind…

I found the answer…

I read their site more carefully and realized that I was using the latest version, in which the programmer was using PYREX… Obviously that was the reason for the error…

I just installed a previous version (and got back to Python 2.0.1 just to be sure… allthough i think that wasn’t nessecary actually…)

Now it’s working allright with Blender…

Thanks anyway…
