Idea for LightFlow Export script!! (good)

Me and Plough were talking today and we decided it would be great if there were a texture plugin that you could use with the lightflow script, within blender, to set parameters of different lightflow materials. Basically, you would just be setting numerical values for “KD”, “KR” etc. You get the idea. Instead of having to go in and type in your vector3s by hand, it would just have 3 sliders for R, G and B!!! This would be sweet if the script would take these numbers and stick them into the exported materials. There would probably be a set of different texture plugins that would each handle one lightflow material type. Plough said it would be really easy to write the plugins but he doesn’t have a working complier. Can someone post a link to one, and tell us how to use it? Thanks! We think this could be really cool and it would definitely save a ton of time instead of going through your materials for an hour before realizing you formatted the parenthesis wrong… >:0

I need a working compiler (or directions to use the Borland free command line tools). Does anyone have an old version of LCCWin32 that you use to compiile scripts – the new one doesn’t compile plugins properly.
I don’t know too much about how much access the Blender Python interface gives to textures, so please tell us if this idea won’t work because of lack of access.

ALEX (SKATES): Yeah. I don’t actually know anything about this. Plough’s doing it, or maybe eeshlo if he feels like it. Right? :slight_smile: Thanks guys.

Me and Plough were talking today and we decided it would be great if there were a texture plugin that you could use with the lightflow script, within blender, to set parameters of different lightflow materials. Basically, you would just be setting numerical values for “KD”, “KR” etc. You get the idea. Instead of having to go in and type in your vector3s by hand, it would just have 3 sliders for R, G and B!!! This would be sweet if the script would take these numbers and stick them into the exported materials. There would probably be a set of different texture plugins that would each handle one lightflow material type.

For materials, it is really easy to use MatSpiderLF, its just what you described above, but way more advanced than you could do in a plugin. So I don’t think it’s very usefull to write a script for materials.

The idea however is good when yoiu talk about things like adding _AMBI, or PLIGHT in the object name,… so the exporting could become easier.

That would be impossible, because a script cannot access texture settings.


I…see… would it be possible to have the texture plugin have a button to output the settings to a data file and then have the script access that? doubt it, but the only reason I suggest this is because I find LFmat spider confusing and it would be pretty convenient. Oh well.