How to hide the mention 'guru' from my message ?

Besides becoming a darn monkey that is… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:
I tried ‘hide my online status’ in my profile but I still see my rank in the elysiun version of the evolution (involution?) tree : is this for my eyes only ?

Um, I don’t believe you can do that, other than to not post. %|

Hiding your online status means you don’t show in the list of names (at the bottom) of members currently logged on, or browsing the current forum. It has nothing to do with hiding your title.

Curiosity though… why do you want to hide your title?


Just a feeling. I don’t find that it means much since many people that post only rarely are quite wise while some of the monkeys are… just that. Myself, although it might happen that I’m making sense on occasion, can’t bring myself to believe that I’m much more than an amateur.

Ah. But if you’ll notice, it says “Forum Guru”, not “Blender Guru”. I think Ton is the only one with that title.


Well, yes, I noticed.
Anyway, thanks for answering my original question.
No biggy if I can’t change anything to it.


Well, you could always change your name to “IamNotA” :wink:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hats off !..

That would be that or… guest !

Well, in less than another 150 posts, you’ll no longer be a “Guru” and will become a “Monkey” anyway…
So just keep posting, but no spam please!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!