1 bone and it aint working

I have 1 bone in a hand. You would think I could make this 1 bone move the hand. NOPE. Watched several tuts on YouTube. Can anyone tell me the order of how to do things to make a bone move the mesh it is in.

I select hand FIRST. Bones SECOND, then CTTL+P. Still does not work.


1 bone in hand

Is your mesh already bound to an armature ?

I have a template. Has 4 collections. The hand and the armature were NOT in the same collection. So I got it to work with 1 bone. But the whole hand moved. I split the bone at the wrist. Now nothing works again. I’m in POSE mode.

Collections are unrelated to your issue. If your hand doesn’t mpve, it could be for a variety of reasons. I don’t have access to a computer so I won’t be able to look at your blend file but please provide it so that somebody else can look at it. Your description of the issue is insufficient for troubleshooting right now