10 Cubes 2024 - Classic Movies

Heres my try at this - Im very new to Blender, so this challenge was cool to do,
dont need to know much about the program haha
Although I couldnt figure out how to change the background, without using other materials. Oh well I still like it though, its supposed to be Mary Poppins by the way


Nice work, and immediately recognizable!

I always love drawing people into the community with a nice approachable challenge like this, so I’m glad it worked!

Welcome to BA!

And here’s a fun VFX video about the special compositing technique they used in the production of Mary Poppins. It turns out they were way ahead of their time and made an incredibly powerful system for keying out actors to use in that film.


I had no idea that Mary Poppins used such technology for their film-making, this movie definitely has a place in my heart. Kinda nuts theres only 3 prisms ever made though - didnt know there were so many flaws with greenscreens either. What first drawed me towards Blender was The Amazing Digital Circus, found the behind the scenes videos interesting also


There is more then one way to change the background. You can do it in the compositor for intance. Or by using a light path node in the world shader editor. I feed a hdri into one input( upper) of a mix shader node and a rgb node into the other (lower) . The light paths “is caneara ray” output port is fed into the mix shaders factor port. The result goes into the “surface” input port of the world output node.
You can then adjust the rgb node at will for the background color and keep the reflections and lighting of the hdri for you objects.

thank you CAE-ID!
cool to know you can just do that with the nodes, havent messed with them much yet. time to make a “pretty plant” for prompt 10

Go on then!
Here’s a screenshot of the worlds node setup as I use it.

I also encourage you to dive deeper into the compositor - it’s really fun what you can achieve with it.

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Thanks a lot for all these explanations, I’m excited to try all of this !