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The day the earth stood still.
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The day the earth stood still.
I was thinking: could it be… and yes indeed… seems to be even the 1951 version… (seems to be also more burnt into my brain as the 2008 version… and i also couldn’t find any image of this iconic scene from this version… )
Yes it is indeed from the 1951 version, it’s one of the great sci-fi classics in my opinion.
Or it was just more impressive becasue i was a kid when i saw this… i also can recognize three star wars movies instanly… guess which…
(there is also a 10 cubes entry which i had to search the text for to decide between a futuristic knight or a medivial knight… or if this is from any of those games, stream series or elsewhere )
It’s fun to guess which movie the images come from, and all with just ten cubes. Amazing what can be made with such a limited amount of primitives.
Is it Einstein?
Yes it is, well spotted.
Happy Holiday
Not sure how much harmony was created when sitting around to play board games at Christmas time, but it’s good to see they are making a comeback.
The ones I remember playing when I was a youngster were Cluedo, Monopoly and Mouse Trap. Happy days.
Ha ha, Monopoly always ended in fraternal warfare!
The Future.
Went a bit heavy with the textures this time, but that’s what it’s like when living life on the edge.
Oh yess… i always get so see sick when on travels when crossing the edges… …
…imagine you have to cross them every day 2x times … for work…
Nice one