I think this is some kind of cheating, but it stays inside the rules
10 cubes, 1 plane and 1 material. Plus a bunch of modifiers, custom object properties and collections.
I think this is some kind of cheating, but it stays inside the rules
10 cubes, 1 plane and 1 material. Plus a bunch of modifiers, custom object properties and collections.
Would you mind to show some details how you achieved this? Im really curious to learn more about those “tricks”. You never know, when you will need it.
I would also be interested in knowing a little more if you would like.
At present I would not feel able to do that.
I’m currently trying to learn Blender. So some of the things, that I have done, might be over-complicated. If someone finds easier ways, I’m absolutely happy to hear about it
The cubes have Mirror-, Subdivision- and SimpleDeform-Modifiers, to shape and multiply them as needed. The whole plant is in a collection, that produces the other flowers as collection-instances.
The object custom properties “hue”, “mix” and “value” are used to control the shader. With 0-mix the object directly gets the hue from the custom property. With a higher mix the final hue value depends from the object-location. The SquareRoot- and Substract-Node have no special meaning. I have just combined some operations until I was satisfied with the resulting colors. The custom property “value” controls the brightness.
The attached file is for Blender 4.2.4.
10_cubes_pretty_plants.blend (1.1 MB)
Thank you very much for all these explanations and sharing the database that I just loaded (I’ll have to update my version of Blender ). I will study this carefully. Thanks again.
You’re welcome
If you have further questions or some good hints for optimization, I’m happy to hear from you.
Driving the color by the objects position is a super cool idea! I will definitely dive into this - thanks!