10 Cubes - Fast Cars: Blazing Bootleggers

Prohibition has passed. But there are still people to please, and profits to be made. Clandestine entrepreneurs take to the roads - moving moonshine in Maine, running rum out of Rhode Island, whisking whiskey into Wisconsin.

But staying one step ahead of Johnny Law means hustling under cover of night. And building fast cars.

Vroom, vroom. :beers:


this looks very atmospheric
how did you achieve the lighting and the slight fog effect?

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Thanks Ben.That was done by using one of the cubes to create a volumetric space around the scene, with all of the various lights (some not visible to camera) coloring the fog.

Also, the ‘smearing’ effect on the police car’s lights is due to a bit of lens distortion.

Here’s the file if you want to check out the setup:
Blazing Bootleggers.blend (723.3 KB)

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i’ll make sure to take a good look at it, thanks for sharing

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You’re welcome. :+1:

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