I got the main shape of it from the make human script body. Then I spent endless hours making it low poly, manualy. There is one thing I believe I did not get to finishing and that would be one of the ears, so if that was fixed i’m sure that the model would be about 1000 poly’s. so here it is. I plan on making the poly count less in the future.
I have made some changes to it now it has 735 polies close to my goal but I’m going to still look for more changes. I have supplied two images of the character one before I edited it and one after, so you can compare the two. Don’t pay much atention to the hieght of the two I just the size of the pic that ended messed up. so here you are. The link for the higher poly still works if you want that one instead.
Err, looking on the decimeter it says 1731. Hmm, I was recently modeling a game character and someone pointed out the me that the game engine converts everything to triangles, so the number of triangles are given in the decimeter. I’m guessing that’ll be counted as the number of faces. Hope I’m wrong, but you’re character will be about 731 faces over 1000. Lol, you most likely know more than me on this.
That’s a great looking model. :o Wow, can’t believe you could manually make it low poly from makeHuman.
A couple of areas you could remove additional polys from are the right ear and inside the mouth, which shouldn’t need that many.
Any plans to rig it? The problem with the arms being modelled that low down is the deformation can go all wrong around the shoulders when the arms are lifted up through a large angle.
Just a thought: You usually don’t need legs to be so detailed either if his clothes arn’t gonna be skin tight. The important thing is to use your polys to make bending joints smooth and proportioned properly at most angles, other details can be added with textures.
the game engine converts everything to triangles, so
this may be true but has anyone tested to see if quads give a faster fps than tris? I’d like to hear the results. To test make something with a lot of quads , save it, and test once with quads and once after using CTRL T in editmode.
the game engine converts everything to triangles, so
That’s not fully true: OpenGL converts everything (after the clipping) into triangles - including clipped tris that aren’t tris anymore - and then sent for rendering.
You mean 32000 or so tris…
And I guess they’re untextured.
And much less fps if I start SETI… Time for a new puter!
But as you said: The difference is quite small and may differ from OpenGL implementation to OpenGL implementation.
To the human model:
It’s over 1700 triangles - that’s not really low poly… Probably it would be better for you to do the models from scratch. This also does improve your skills a lot. Might be hard and frustrating sometimes, but after a while your meshes will be (and work (when rigged)) much better than this one. Taking a high poly model and reducing it, is a waste of time in my eyes…
kEinStein’s right, Blender does not convert quads to triangles, it sends the quads to the graphics card for triangulation. Since only 4 vertices have to be sent instead of 6, you might get a slight performance increase with quads, if your bottleneck is the communication between the computer and the graphics card.
On my graphics card, there’s only about 0.1 or 0.2 fps difference between 10 000 quads and 20 000 triangles.
As for the poly count, that depends on what system requirements you’re aiming for. With my computer (Intel Celeron 850MHz, 62MB RAM, Intel 6MB graphics card,) I can easily handle two or three characters with over 2000 tris in a moderately complicated scene with minimal game logic.
I also agree with kEinStein that building low poly from scratch is often better than reducing a high poly model.
thanks for the comments I’ll work on the legs and head more to bring them down in poly count, my goal is to get down to at least 700 poly’s if not less.
Thanks a lot for sharing your model. You made a kind of a “canonic” male
figure. Now all of us can change the proportions and made diferent characters. Maybe we can made a library with feme and basic actions like walk, jump, run…
I did a similar thing for my game char, I used makehuman to get proportions for my model, then created my char around that.
So far it’s at 1458 polys(decimator), but I have yet to do the arms(all the arms I have made are at least 500 polys each, so I need to model them still)
Here’s a screeny of her so far, Leeloo from 5th Element
Still need to do some tex work on the boots and orange straps, basically it’s done but for the arms.