Some insanely powerful hacks to increase your render speeds: click here
(Some can increase your render speeds like crazy!!! )
Click here to read now! ~9 mins read
-Sayan (Boundless Blending)
Some insanely powerful hacks to increase your render speeds: click here
(Some can increase your render speeds like crazy!!! )
Click here to read now! ~9 mins read
-Sayan (Boundless Blending)
Very useful tricks, thanks for sharing @Sayan_Mondal, hope we can save a lot of time on the rendering process.
one CRAZZZYYYYY tip you didnt include was to never use mesh emission… due to the slow nature of emitting from mesh compared to light lamps
I would advice the opposite In the article about IES lights by Lechu (chocofur) he advises this:
It is essential to understand what types of lamps are available in Blender, how do they work and if there are any known issues. It turns out that mixing a different illumination methods, for instance HDRi environments and default Blender Spot Lamps seems to results in excessive noise / longer render times. What’s even more interesting - quite often issues like that can be quickly solved by replacing the Spot Lamp with Mesh Lights (and that’s the reason why our IES lights are geometry based).
I had extreme problems rendering interiors with large amount of point lamps (more than 30 lamps in a scene) - the render times went crazy and the noise was still present after 2500 samples. After same testing with mesh lights it seems to me that they indeed perform much better.
This one weird trick will…
You are right but I didn’t mention it because it is very very dependent on the situation. There is no general rule whether to use a mesh emitter or a lamp.
Instead of posting somewhat repetitive how to tutorials we should combine forces and create a centralized wiki page where we accumulate knowledge. Better authored better reachable makes users more happy and productive
I doubt that’s going to happen because the whole point of this is to drive traffic to the poster’s site. Personally I actively try and avoid such links because it smells of things like buzzfeed
That might be right, but still number one problem with new users is proper documentation with Blender.
Such a Wiki would be perfect.
It is a good point but then, the whole point of being a writer and artist who needs an audience for himself is lost. I enjoy writing these posts in my style. I feel great when people are helped.
On the other hand, writing for a common wiki page, is in my opinion kinda unappealing, and that will have a repulsive effect on the authors and that might lead to a less amount of good content.
Anyways, your point is not bad at all
Well the idea to find that repulsive and unappealing is kinda sad to see it that way.
Let’s be honest we all wrote tutorials and often they are also flawed or have issues it them.
So if the focus is on helping a collaborative effect / effort can lead to better work.
Imagine the developer of Blender thinking nah I will only do it for myself and not contribute to the main code base.
And there is still a way to direct viewers to your own webpage.
But I guess the question is do we do something to find glory for ourself or be part of the community.
And you won’t even BELIEVE what HAPPENS NEXT!!!
NJ, are they working on it?
Yeah, it makes a lot of sense but we are all contributing to the community anyway. It’s just hosted in different places. Moreover, being an artist, I need an audience of course but your idea is great no doubt.
Everybody should be comfortable in the environment in which they create stuff and share them. So either way, if the community is being helped it should be fine.
I think what we as artists fail is the fact that if we think doing tutorials on our own sites will help blender for the new users than maybe we are wrong because it is a patchwork of solutions and not a consistent one. Plus people have to find our sites.
over the years I heard the same complaint: blender is hard to learn because there are no good docs. With everything all over the place I think this is also more than logical.
obviously this is not a criticism towards your effect - it was more a reflective statement. Obviously this includes me as well.
Cheers, mate!
Sayan you’re aware of the blender wiki ?.
Your writing style needs improvement
I suggest writing articles there.
Learn how to become a good writer.
They need people who want to write, and give good tips
You’l have the largest possible audience there.
At some point you add youtube vids, and becomme known.