Challenge #1038 "water cave" (12/05/23) Entries CLOSED

Contraband - Pure

A glimpse into a dark future where vital medication is illegal and affected people have to resort to smuggling, stowing contraband in this cave. The medication textures are photos of my HRT meds, lol.

The rider on the skiff (the flying vehicle) and the person on the ground are both the same 3D scan of myself, posed slightly differently. I did it to see how bad it would look to scan myself using a selfie stick - she’s got a missing arm and a lot of garbage around the feet but you can’t see it at this angle.

The cave’s sculpted and has a displacement shader, the skiff is subdivision modelling, and the water’s a plane with subdiv and a displacement shader. The net and boxes are a cloth sim, with the boxes in a group with internal springs so they behave like solid objects. The sand reuses a glitter technique from my unicorn poop a couple of weeks ago, but was rewritten from scratch for this.

I put some behind the scenes shots here: