Challenge #1082 "After the Fall – Civilization Reborn" (15/03/24) Entries CLOSED

Title: “Monolith”

Non-competing. Open.

My other failed ideas

Went through 4 failed ideas and nearly ran out of time to get an entry in, so ended up rushing this (I don’t have time on Saturday or Sunday).

trump fail
Was gonna make Trump and Putin playing PS5 in a bunker, but realised I’m not good enough at making accurate likenesses.
And then tried making a T800 dance for a TikTok video, but realised I wouldn’t have enough time. Even tried making a few dolphins dancing for a TikTok, but again, gave up due to time.

Edit* Forgot to say why it’s open: ant mesh, phone, crack png, and house image were existing/downloaded. I made the ground/rocks, leaves, skull and gas mask (which are barely visible), and rigged and retextured the ants.