17-year Cicadas

anybody got them yet?

I’ll be nice and tell you that not everyone knows what you mean, for instance me… :slight_smile:

Doesn’t everyone do that?

cicadas - you now - those ugly isects that flush every thing once in 17 years - yach! thanks god I don’t live in mid USA right now - filthy little creatures.

eewwww… and I thought every one agreed that sunsets were nice graphics. I mean, show me something better!

Well, I saw them on the news, but I live across the country (Oregon), so I won’t be seeing them. I used to live in Georgia, but I moved here.

Why won’t they be quiet? Ohio is full of them.

hehe yea lol orion, we jsut started to get them. U can hear them and they sound like an old sci-fi movie, lol. They are pretty cool though, like their eyes. :o :stuck_out_tongue:

samadam, i agree. it is horrible. i am in the heart of the problem.

it is hard to sleep sometimes, the noise is so loud (taking naps…they are only active in the day)

These things are eveywhere here in maryland. It’s so frigging loud out in front of my girlfriends house you can even have a conversation over them!

I drove her to work the other day and their where 1000’s of the things covering the front door and front wall of the place. I don’t know if anyone here has played Unreal (the original) but at the end of the game there is this wall with bugs all over it before you enter to fight the end guy. That’s exactly how it looked.

Funny thing is that she loves the things. She lets them craw on her arm! Yuk. I can’t stand them. I’ve stepped on them, had them fly into my car about 100 times… It’s like the unwritten Hitchcock novel “The Bugs”.

All right, they’re loud, and it’s like a constant one-tone siren the whole time. At least they’re quiet at night, and after it rains. I don’t live in the center of the cicada noise in my township, but I know what you all are talking about! HOWEVER! The creatures are so cute!! They have orange and black colors, and big, beady red eyes! They’re the perfect way to cure a phobia of insects!! :smiley:

Any bug that lives that long, and is that big should be annihilated.

But who doesn’t like my cicada molted shell collection?

We have these in (belive it or not) DENMARK too (yeah…that’s in
Scandinavia (on the other side of the Planet for you USA people).

I belive someone got out when they where imported to this
country for people’s “terrariums” …or…spider-food, people got
sick of the sound and threw them out. Incredibly enough it seems
like someone survived, and we can hear them EVERY year here
in “fuhnen/funen” south of Denmark. Criik Criik Criik Criik Criik
the sound is like clockwork…it keeps on Criik’ing forever…

…and you guys have MILLIONS…nah…BILLIONS of them :o

Jo, atleast it’s only every 17 years!!


Di… Well, every 17 years of a new batch (wich will probably make that about EVERY year, right?)


no, not really. They are all pretty well timed together. The thing is that there are other cicadas, like one year and five year cicadas, thats why they can be heard any year. The 17s are just a big group.

i just got back from murfield at the memorial tourney, and they were horrible there. it was pretty bad. one got on my windshield, and a huge spot of slime is now there :frowning:

halo quote: “there everywhere!”


You were at muirfield Nathan? That was pretty rainy there. I was going to go, i got some tickets, but I am probably going to stay home and work on ToxicX a little. I wish they would broadcast it on TV more, all I can find is highlights.
oh yea, on topic, cicadas are bad.

LMAO. we get those EVERY year in florida, just not en-masse.

they are fun to catch, and their chimes let you know it’s summer.