here it is guys, still working on it, i know theres much better works then this keep in mind other than tutorials this is the first model i will be creating, the ship is untextured atm and the lighting is bad…
but i think with some loving attention i can get it half way decent… still learing about materials and textures so i cant bring myself to do anything to it yet…
also please note i deviated from the Constitution class ship alot, the dimensions and details are my own choosing…
The model looks great. Im knew to blender - would you be able to give me any tips on how to create a model like your one. I would like to make a basic 3d spaceshooter using Ogre 3d. Im working my way through the blender tutorials, but i still could do with some more help.
EDIT: “knew” I mean “new”. Posting at this time of the morning does things to the brain!!!
welcome to blender im new myself this was my first ship or anything for that matter with blender
some tips hmmm
select all of your mesh by pressing the “A” key when everything is yellow you know its selected. then press the CTRL key and N key together, this will allow you to Recalculate Normals outside. (i know seems pretty specific thing to do but you should do this everytime you make changes to your mesh, it will remove weird lines from your mesh when you choose the smooth option)
when you render for now just select the “blender internal” option, the other option is Yafray and its for fancy effects with lights… so for now just use the blender internal.
you can split your screen into 4 screens so you can see what your making from 4 differnt views. to do that right mouse clicking (RMC) and selecting “Split Area” on the small dividing bar that separates the 3D view and the Tab info buttons near the bottom of the screen. Repeate 2 more times on the vertical bar that was created for a total of 4 3D view screens. Then set the top left screen to view front (hover mouse over it and press numberpad/ keypad “1 key”), repeated with top right set to top view (keypad 7), bottom left to side (keypad 3), and the bottom right as the camera view (keypad 0.)
when you render an image watch what lights you have in the image. You should avoid using “lamps.” a lamp is a default light that comes when you create a new file. You can press the spacebar to add more lights. and move them around with the “G” key. I strongly recommend you pratice with just the cube and use the spacebar key to add a HEMI lamp, or a Spot lamp. those lamps must be rotated using the “R” key to show which way you want their light cast. Thats a very good way to light up what it it you want in your pictures.
hope anyof that helps look around here for small tutorials as you do them you will slowly learn little things. It will take time stick with it and you’ll be working for PIXAR in no time hehe
Hello again. Ive been messing with blender and im not having much luck. I was able to make a half decent ship on truespace with the help of a tutorial i found online. I would really like to use blender if i could (It exports well to Ogre!). Could you maybe tell me the steps you took to create your ship on blender please? The truespace tutorial method can not work on blender as far as i can see.
im not sure what parts you want more information on…
for this ship i did a real simple design, its just 2 tubes that I modified for the nacelles (engine parts) with 2 UV spheres on the ends that i moved into place.
the Saucer section is a Cone mesh that i subdevided and removed the top few layers, then resized. I also subsurfed the saucer so that it has thats odd look to it…
is that what your looking for? if not be more specific im willing to help
Thanks for the reply. I understand what you have told me. My problem is that im not sure how to set up a “blueprint” image so i can model off. Im guessing that you must of had some image set up in the background for reference.
I erased the default “cube mesh” and the default light (delete key > erase selected objects?)
I split my 3D view into 4 screens by right mouse clicking (RMC) and selecting “Split Area” on the small dividing bar that separates the 3D view and the Tab info buttons near the bottom of the screen. I repeated 2 more times on the vertical bar that was created for a total of 4 3D view screens.
I then set the top left screen to view front (hover mouse over it and press keypad 1 key), repeated with top right set to top view (keypad 7), bottom left to side (keypad 3), and the bottom right as the camera view (keypad 0.)
Then in each of the views you load the background image: in the top left (front view) you click view > background > open (select image) that should be the Front image
then top right is the top image, bottom left is the side image and i set the bottom right with just a starfield picture as its the camera view
hope that helps if you have any further questions just ask