1939 GMC 1/2 Ton

Hey people, This is my new project after that extensive competition. A 1939 GMC 1/2 Ton Pickup. The one I’m modelling is modified by Tucci Engineering, So it isn’t a replica of the original but I’ve got good resources, Here is one shot of the fender that I am starting with: http://hotrodhotline.com/feature/2004show/04frank/assets/images/db_images/db_nuFRANK_MAROTTTA__CT_CAR_SHOW__2004_0271.jpg

And here is the fender after 3 hours work and 3 redo’s: http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/7234/fender0xm.jpg

I know it needs A LOT of work, but I’m up for it. What do you think?

I usualy try not to render anything when I’m modelling thus saving a lot of time. If you want some C&C post your wire.

Update after three more hours work: http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/8963/fender4ou.jpg

And here’s the Wire: http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/60/wire6my.jpg

The wire really doesn’t look good. You should try keeping it in straight lines, and the polycount much lower. There are way too many vertices to move around with.

The car looks okay, but nasty wire.


Well what can I do about it now? (Btw, no chance I’m redoing the whole thing over)

At least take the suggestion in consideration for the rest of the model.

Update 3:http://img68.imageshack.us/img68/913/fender4ss.jpg 5 hours more of work: Redid hood, added grill, connected fender and hood, cleaned up verts among other minor improvements.

And here’s a wire: http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/2800/wire0gv.jpg

C&C is begged for. :wink:

You are really coming along with the shape. It looks like you know what you want.

However, I have to say that the mesh design should be less polys and be more linear, meaning that if you NEED to add a row of vertices with Ctrl+R it could be a problem with what you have now.

It is looking good. A lot of users create their cars without the SubSurf on and with no glossy/shiny surface. I think it helps a lot to have these turned on. Prevents problems later on.

Upper front part needs to be stretched upwards to fit
the lights. Of first and second render the first looks
better, shapes more accurate and nicer.

how did you do those nice reflections on the car? i reckon theres nothing except for the car. Nice modeling btw!

I used an HDRI map. yoeri, Thanks, I’m glad I’m not just really sucking but thinking it looks good. j, I don’t understand what you mean about it looking better of the first two or what it was that you said, you must reword that so I understand. Thanks for the comments, please send more. Update soon.

reworded:You have posted three images in this
threat.I compared the second and third image
and it seamed to me that in the first image(wednesdaypost) postyou have modelled shapes/formations better than on thurday post. But i am not talking of the vertex/face structure´s, i am talking of the renders.
Actuaaly maybe most of differense is due to lens width/what mm setting is on a camera.