1961 VW Bug

Here’s a project I’m working on for my demo reel. I’m about 7 hours in and there’s still a ton of work to do. I’ve been cutting all the pieces apart and working on them separately so most of them don’t line up correctly. Also Materials are just placeholders. If you have any critiques I would really appreciate them!

I would suggest modeling the base shape in one piece, to make sure that everything fits properly. Then you could separate the pieces and work on the details.
I’m telling you this because it’s a pain in the a** to find out that the shape of the door is completely wrong (i.e)and you have to model it again.

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I did actually start with a unified piece and then cut the pieces apart. I just didn’t pay attention to the reference enough and kept making tweaks while trying to get the pieces to look right. Pretty stupid but I think it would be more work to go back now.

Looks like it’s smiling. :slight_smile: Nice start.

Could you post a close up of the door, near the front and back windows? Could be lighting but there’s something that caught my attention.

The fenders look wider in your model then they do on the real car to my eyes.

nice color, keep going :slight_smile:

I used to have a nice 1966 Bug - “Bahama Blue” I believe is the official color. Agree with prior comment that the fenders look a bit wide.

Check the headlights - the encasing is a bit more oval and looking up a bit. The 1967 ones and later had the more circular and vertical aligned ones. (hopefully that makes sense - but a google image search will show you)