i am planning on modelling the origonal batmobile from the first batman movie
any suggestions as to how to start? any tips would be appreciated. I cant decide on box modeling or face modeling…
I’d do a rough box model to get the proportions right, then start modelling each piece individually. Make a wheel, get it right, move on to the wheel guard, bumper, etc. Usually I start a car with the bonnet and branch out from there piece by piece. Not sure why the bonnet, but I guess it touches many key parts of the car (windscreen, bumper, side panels, etc) and gives you a sense of width and shape too.
Also, mirror modifier is your friend… Good Luck!
thanks man, ive made one car before, but this is alot more chalenging, becuase everything has to be round and smooth. I’ll take what you said into consideration.
if anyone else has anything to add, id apreciate it
here is my progress so far, i have finished modelling the car. Let me know what you think, any crits or comments are welcome, also i need advice on textures and lighting. Obviously it will be black, right now its white so its easier to model. I also need advice on how to get that “painted” look for the body.
Looks really nice, can’t really help you on the paint material. Just try screwing around with the shaders and mirror settings. You could have a look at these as well: http://www.blender-materials.org/index.php?action=category&category=9-car-paint
Nicework. This is IMHO the only real Batmobile. The later ones are just … toys. This has some nice and sturdy style. Not like those 90s tincans… with flashy lights etc… or the newest… crawler… or what ever it was called. Which was just plain stupid.
Great model! I like that '89 design too. Heaps of character, almost cartoon-like.
As far as shaders go, you’ll probably need to use some HDRI reflections for the car paint and glass. There are several free HDRI collections on the web. Can’t quite find the links right now, but you could google it. That’s the way to get a great high gloss look.
nice i like it alot…lets see a render
i have been trying to get a render up for you guys, but im having one problem: i am trying to use HDRi, but whenever i render it, the image i use for HDRi is in the background. Is there any way of using the reflections from the map, but not have the image in the background?
wow. dude. this brings back so many happy childhood memories. back when batman was COOL. the new “batman begins/ dark knight” is pretty sweet too, but you just can’t top burton’s style and keaton’s look. just can’t. awesome job man.
thanks for all your comments, here is a render, see what i mean? How do i get rid of the stupid background??? i only want the HDRi reflections
This is fantastic!
I agree with this being the best batmobile out there. Although it’s not exactly feasible because the panels have no where to be stored (how do they do it in the movie?), but are you planning on adding the shielding to it? That scene in the movie is great.
About the background image, check to make sure that the “backbuf” button is unselected in the Render Settings’ Output tab. Other than that, I have no idea!
thanks, guys, yeah i was thinking of doing the shielding, but its technically impossible, it would have to come out of nowhere:) thanks ill give that a try
I think you have something odd going on with the material too… it looks like its bit bumpy… or something.
Wasn’t this car painted like a matte black for stealth purposes? Shiny looks cool and all, but maybe it might look better with a matte finish. Just a suggestion.
yeah there are different versions of pictures i have, unfortunately none from the movie, i didnt know it was matte, ill give that a try
actually its semimatte… its like… shiny metal sprayed full of “matte” particles… mm… think of snow… If i remember right.
You’re probably right, but I’m trying to picture someone driving this car around and attempting to be stealthy. I mean, it doesn’t matter how this car is painted, It’s going to stand out!
As far as the background image is concerned, It’s doing it’s job with the reflections. If you want to remove it from the final render, you’ll find that it has 0 alpha. Maybe try comping it over a black frame (or whatever bg colour you’re after…) in the node compositor.
ok thanks, i got a black background now, so its all good, will post later