Hey there! I´m brand new and this is my first post.
I am a beginner. Well, lets say, i work sometimes with Blender as some sort of hobby - and i love it!
Now i wonder…
I totally have that thing, where i ADORE that look of 1998´s JURASSIC PARK: TRESPASSER for the PC.
And i would like to “reproduce” that grainy 16bit-y 3D-Look of that game.
Obviously i have to use simple models with a low polycount. And probably have to draw the textures myself.
I am not an idiot on that “i have no idea what to do” level… But i dont know much about what Blender has to offer. I know some BlenderGuru Tutorials, but mostly they want to achieve photorealism.
And i want to get back into the past
Lets imagine a simple scenery:
- models of an animal, a palm tree and cratebox
- a ground, where you have here and there some 2Dbitmap grass
How do i get that proper look ?
How do i get Blender to render it “not in HighDef”.
And maybe - how can i use those setting for the GameEngine?
I really hope that this is an interesting question? since i really would like to know, what i can do.
back then, i probably had to use “state of the art” techniques but nowadays…
I would love to get some suggestions or tricks wit a basic “cratebox” demo.
Just some settings and stuff i have to consider (and what i can do with blender on that level in the first place)