2.43 rc1 breaks old files. be careful!

Hi all,
Heads up guys!
Man, one Control-W rather than a control-q and a blind confirmation has ruined my new game. I cant believe how irresponsible I was…
in the past i always opened copys of my games, to test.
For some reason today I did not :frowning: 2.43 rc1 has some major bugs when you add things from layer 2.
the objects have a seemingly random collision now.

Zody the slug now has some very bad bugs in it, when using the shield blocks, hitting flags, and overall poor collision with the player and level. Zody is now officially frozen in time until further notice.

Br!x is broken as well. Br!x ][ will replace it, so I wont bother with this. This first Br!x was poorly designed. It was amazing that it worked at all in the first place.

the problems might have something to do with porting them from older versions of blender and the old bullet library .

Anyways, this is not a bug report… it is a heads up to fellow developers…
I am going to go and check out the release notes a bit closer this time , this might be a known issue… I am going to also try a couple of tests, making things 100% in 2.43rc1 and see if that works.
After I try everything I will submit a report.
Old bullet might not be compatible with new bullet is my theory.

Soooo, If you made a game in 2.42a, you might want to just stay with that until RC2 or the official release.(And test only on copys!!) I will update this when I learn more.

For the collision problems have you tried the show physics visualization option? Maybe it will show the bugs more.

Also, I’d try sending the file to Erwin, it’s not too late for him to check it out before the final release.

Hey thanks.

Visualization shows everything is cool…
My tests are all working out too so far.

as for the bug report, I will have my friend submit it, when I am absolute about this… Do a quick search on the bullet forums for p00f…
none of my bug reports get any replies… and when the fixes are made there are no thanks, or any credit at all for helping out.
Not even a reply to the post aknowlage it has been read.
Well, I get the hint.
If he dosent have the time to type the word “Thanks”,Then I dont have the time to point out his mistakes to him.
I do have time for my fellow developers tho… I will keep you guys up to date on what I find.

I will just have my friend do it later on today if he has time… you guys are welcome to report it too, if you are getting the same problems.

Erwin, like the other developers would rather that you submitted them to the Blender bug tracker then just typing it out in the forum, Erwin and others just don’t have all the time in the world to read every post.

Maybe they don’t have time to look over the bugtracker either. As I constantly keep saying, we need more devs working on the BGE.

I get the feeling that it’s just erwin and snailrose at this point.

Hmm…You don’t say.

Checks the “Rewrite for 2.43” folder

Yep, that’s pretty much everything I ever made with the BGE.

Yea, Sorry for all the drama…

 Thanks to the Append command and the .blend1 file, 

and a few minuets of my time has salvaged the game to where I had it before I started.
I can open it in 2.42a again with every thing in tact.

Hey, Social…

I noticed your FPS template in the demos :slight_smile: Congradulations. Runs pretty smooth on my system.

Hi there p00f,

You’ll be glad to hear that Erwin has fixed a bug that now allows your Zody ( and realtime.blend with static blocks ) to work for the actual final release.


Keep up the great work!


That is great news!!! Thanks for pointing that out :slight_smile:

You’ll be glad to hear that Erwin has fixed a bug that now allows your Zody ( and realtime.blend with static blocks ) to work for the actual final release

Hasty conclusion plus the second quote. I’ll be right back with the boot.:smiley:
EDIT: Here it is, sorry Social it’s for your own good.