i tried to create my scene in 2.46 and it contains particles created with grass. I used the texture (offX) with an empty to animate the wind in grass. Worked great under 2.45
I had to do some finetuning for grass for 2.46 which finally worked, but the button “Mesh” (Render emitter mesh also) in the Particles-tab is no more available in 2.46. This button was responsible that it uses the offX-Ipo to animate the wind.
On 2.46 i can only see a “Emitter” (Render Emitter object also) Button which sounds similiar, but it doesn’t work? :no:
Somone a hint?
EDIT : I think this is allready correct so far, but the thing i mean is : 2.45 had a Textureforce (Specify the texture as force) under Particle Motion where i could choose the wind-texture. Where is it in 2.46?
As far as I know Textureforce was replaced by new type of FIELDS - Texture. However I was also trying to do some animated grass but without success. I found on some forum that mesh generating grass particles should have SoftBody enabled. Then there was something happening with grass but I was no able to set proper values for soft body. And one thing more, I was looking into bbb production files. There is only one or two scenes where grass is animated. It is in End part and KITE_SET is used as a grass field for it. But none of objects used for that set has soft body enabled. May be I’m wrong. May be it is not necessary to use SB if we want to have wind affected to grass particles as it was done in 2.45? Is it possible that someone provide a .blend file where animated grass work as it is supposed to do? Or some tutorial will be created and shared to community? That would help, no doubt
Use Soft body for particles and disable Use Goal ,rest of operation is just trying to get optimal settings ,i test it works fine.
P.S I use texture for fields ,I hope that’s helpful.