I am trying to use “Use Translate” in Video Sequencer, to position some image over the video strip. It mostly works (= I can change the image position) but…
… but for some reason after I enable “Use Translate”, my image is significantly scaled up (it is immediate: I see small image, click Use Translate, it turns big, click Use Translate to disable, it turns back small).
Is it possible to disable this effect somehow?
I used 1024x768 video clip and 1024x768 image (mostly alpha, with small true image).
PS In general: does there exist any documentation of new sequencer tools?
Dealing with different sized images and different sized outputs is tricky. Think like a pixel. If you have a mismatch in the VSE, the VSE does try to auto-scale the image to fit. Once you click Translate, you are telling Blender you want to manually re-scale, hence the jump in size.To manually re-scale, use Transform.