2.49 Problems. Post here

I don’t think these are really glitches, but they would be very helpful if they were implemented before 2.49’s final release.

Animated Lights.

Using IPOs to change the color and strength of lights in real time.

Animated values on materials.

Using IPOs to fade objects using alpha allowing for smoother animations, and even possibly changing a materials color in real time.

Currently these features work in Multi-Texture mode but not in GLSL, and they would give users a lot more flexibility graphically for such a simple addition.

hum… weird it works in GLSL for me (look at attachement blend)


GLSL.blend (145 KB)

Thats Object color and alpha. I’m talking about materials, although that does provide a sort of hacked solution to the issue.

That solution cannot be applied to lights, and animate-able lighting is a must for atmospheric effects, and keeping your game from seeming static. If it’s not too hard to do, slipping in a feature that would allow these to work would be a huge and simple improvement.

yeah it would be nice :cool:

Back to glitches. I’m making my scripts compatible and I ran across a problem.
I cannot change the object in an add objec actuator with python.
I keep getting “TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not callable”

Here is the script:

import GameLogic as g
import random
cont = g.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner

name = own.getName()
scene = g.getCurrentScene()

obinscn = scene.getObjectList()
obj = scene.getObjectList()[name]
props = obj.getPropertyNames()

key = cont.getSensor(“key”)
dlay = cont.getSensor(“dlay”)
mke = cont.getActuator(“mke”)
stroke = key.events
print obj.name
mkobj = mke.object(‘OBCube’)
print dir(mke)
print dir(mkobj)
print stroke

I’ve also been working on other things.

Another thing, Object name in now read only. Is there any way to make two copies of the same object different in 2.49?

hi PlanetKiller,

To change the object in an add object actuator with python, use the name of the object without the OB in front of it. Use “Cube” instead of “OBCube”


+1 to animate-ability to lights and materials.

It is very important that such important basic features are not simply forgotten just because they are basic. The lack of basic features such as these are what push people away from the Blender Game Engine.

I also have to mention yet again, that sound is still unavailable for Mac, which in my opinion, is one of Game Blender’s most painful flaws.

Music and sounds should have been in the top list of the thing to work on better support with the BGE :mad:

@PlanetKiller, best submit a bug report for this, all your formatting is lost too.
@Mico27, Im getting a bit annoyed that nobody seems interested in updating and maintaining the dependencies like SDL and OpenAL for windows or Mac. I think OpenAL-soft is fairly good now but we use a historic openal for blender.
For all I know the crashes people have are caused by bugs that have since been fixed in OpenAL or SDL (since these interface hardware).

Its not all that hard to compile and test newer libs (you dont have to be a programmer), so it would help if someone who uses these OS’s or complains to developers or tests themself.

Aye. The ability to make working, truly cross-platform productions is vital. I wonder how many people have posted specific mac sound bugs in the bug tracker…

[#5821] No sound on OSX (Intel) version of Blender Game Engine

An old bug, but sometimes dev’s need to be kicked to get them to fix stuff (will poke some mac devs).
edit kick -> http://lists.blender.org/pipermail/bf-committers/2009-May/023302.html

Heh. Good find Ideasman! Say, how did you find that without search working on the bug tracker? Google?

Is the servo control “bug” going to be fixed?

Servo has been SO great for actually getting normal movement to work, but when it doesn’t really work for moving platforms, its usefulness drops down drastically.

Is this user ‘TheSambassador’ going to write a bug report?, I hear benoit has been fixing loads of bugs for 2.49 release in the tracker. :slight_smile:

ok, seriously, benoit wrote this actuator so Im sure he’d want to make sure any bugs in it are fixed.

Here is a list of python errors that I found in Blender 2.49 RC1.

In the attached blend file, each error has it’s own scene and it’s own python script.



variable: continue
Throws syntax error (continue a reserved python command?)



variable: distance
Always returns 0.0

deprecated method: getConeHeight()
returns correct value


KX_RadarSensor (2nd)

variable: angle
Returns distance instead of angle



variable: subject
using subject to set the subject doesn’t work

deprecated method: setSubjectFilterText(subject)
works correctly



Method: getButtonStatus(button)
button type: integer


Tried 0 - 10 for button

Always returns
ValueError: sensor.getButtonStatus(int): MouseSensor, invalid button specified!



deprecated methods: getUseRestart() and setUseRestart()

No replacement for them



variable: filename
filename returns the name of the actuator
filename doesn’t change the sound file being played

deprecated methods: getFileName() and setFileName
have the same problems



method: setUV2(uv)
Asks for a second argument (an integer)



variable: value
using value to change the value returns SystemError: error returns without exception set

Deprecate method: setValue(value)
2.49 same error message
2.48 works without problem


Rasterizer Module

method: getGLSLMaterialSettings(setting)
returns 0 for True and 1 for False

method: setGLSLMaterialSettings(setting)
Uses 1 for True and 0 for False


Rasterizer Module – 2

method: getMaterialMode()
returns 2 for both



Blender249RC_PythonErrors.blend (261 KB)

Nice find cthamesI! hope you’ve sent this on the bugtracker!

It seems to me that locking axes in advanced settings doesn’t work if the object is added via add object actuator and if I try to compensate for that with constraint actuator to limit the movement the min velocity setting stops behaving as expected.

In the quick example I made, shouldn’t all four balls behave like the red one?


example.blend (168 KB)

When I tried to earlier, the bug tracker wouldn’t let me create an account… it was really annoying. Just tried now and it let me in. I’ve submitted it now.

Weird way of addressing me… it sounds so impersonal…

Also you guys better fix this:

    keyPress = allKeys.getPressedKeys()       
    for key in keyPress:
        # Just pressed
        if key[1] == 1:
            print "pressed"
            #this works
        # is Active
        if key[1] == 2:
            print "Active"
            #DOESNT WORK

        # Just Released
        if key[1] == 3:
            print "released"
            #this works

That shouldn’t work what way, use the ‘events’ attribute instead.

    for keycode, status in allKeys.events:
        if status == 1:
            print keycode + " has been just pressed"
        ellif status == 2:
            print keycode + " is active"
        elif status == 3:
            print keycode + " has been just released"