I’m skinning a game character for use in Unity (We’re using 2.49 for this since you can import the .blends directly. 2.5 doesn’t work as well yet) anyways, I’m having a weird issue with weights. When I bend the index finger, everything works correctly. Only the weights needed are applied. And on all the other bones, there is 0 weight to the fingers, or anywhere they’re unneeded for that matter. However, when I bend the forarm A Few vertices on the fingers get distorted, looking as if there was some weight applied to the forearm. There isn’t I checked, I repainted over. I did everything. I even checked all the other bones, but those vertices are only applied to the corresponding finger.
Then I decided to reskin him using a different “vertex group option?” (I still don’t understand what the differences are. I just know that “bone heat” usually starts off the best, which is what I used the first time I rigged him.) and while painting the torso bone, some vertices from the leg are moving, even though there is 0 weight on them.
Has anyone ever had this problem? is there a solution?
Thanks in advance!