I dont know why you’re typing ALL those controls one by one. I am a fan of a way more automated approaches such as:
lst = ["This script will create a Sun lamp (Sun) with",
"a Track to constraint to an object called",
"SunPOE (Point on Earth).",
row_height = 13
for i in range(len(lst)):
blf.position(font_id,15, y-90+i*row_height,0)
Im currently working on a wide use of such type of approaches when dealing with Blender Python interface(s). As soon as Im relatively ready with this, I will publish it, of course
Sure! If possible, it is much nicer!
But I am trying to use as much as possible old scripts and replacing old things by new things either by a suitable regular expression replace or even a macro to convert (suitable parts) from old to new.
Your example is especially useful to show a rectangel filled with text!
SO WE USE THAT as prototype to show a bunch of Info (text only …) agreed!