2.49a BUG: x- and y-axis torque do not work


For some reason the x- and y-axis torque actuator do not work in Blender 2.49a.

See the attached file.

The file is working fine with Blender 2.49

Please, could somebody test and confirm for common good?



No_X-axis_torque.blend (81.9 KB)

Just in case:

If you are using a Blender 2.49a:

You just need to download a attached sample file and PLAY it with P-key.

The object in it, is turning around X-axis OR not?

I have this same problem also. I’ve tried the example file also and it doesn’t rotate.

Thank you for your help.

For some reason the bug reporting links are not working for me:

Are these links old?

I just set the object as rigid body, and it started rotating accordingly (I think objects that aren’t rigid body shouldn’t rotate in x and y anyway…)