2.5 is missing an extremely useful rigging script from 2.49?, any help?

Hello, I want to say that is very extrange for me, but I haven´t seen a equivalent to the “Mesh Boneweight Copy”

or in other words, transfer weight paint from object to another object, even if they have totally different vertex counts and locations, this was possible back then(2.49)
very helpful for example rigging your base character, and then adding clothes and details that need to be exact deformed along with the rig, but in certain ocassions is impossible to try it by hand,because many bones (and thus their weight vertex paint attributes) get complicated to match by hand, unpractical or impossible.

I currently transfer my meshes from 2.5+ to 2.49 after weight painting and bring them back and processed with this script… we need something more practical than this…

any rigger and character creator should be crying for this one in 2.5+

look at this:


is not working on 2.59 release r39616

update: i HAVE CONTACTED THE AUTHOR of the ADD-ON and he is was very kind to look into it…more updates to come…

it´s fixed for 2.59 just follow the instructions in the thread up there…

The problem is the vector matrix multiplication has been changed from 2.58 to 2.59 ONLY matrix * vector is supported
and vector *= matrix is not available (at least yesterday) …
If the error message refers to such sort of problem you can easily change it in YOUR file :wink:

new version from user Gaia Clary now with new options: http://blog.machinimatrix.org/bone-weight-copy-in-blender-2-52-6/