2.53 beta Keyframe Failure

I’m not sure how to recreate this problem for a bug report.

Basically, in Blender 2.53 beta I created some simple objects by extruding vertex, assigned a material and then added the objects to a group. I then opened a blend file previously created with 2.49b and appended the group. Some random normals were flipped the wrong way, but that’s an easy fix.

The problem happened when I tried to set a keyframe on any of these appended objects. No menu pops up when I press the ‘I key’. Instead I just get a message saying “Keying Set failed to insert any keyframes”. I tried opening the scene back up in Blender 2.49b and appending the group (which was created in 2.53) and everything worked fine. So it’s a 2.53 issue. And this was attempted on both PC and Mac versions.

Basically, I am having trouble doing the basics in Blender 2.53 beta (the official release)

Anyone else have this problem too?

Have you a keying set indicated at the bottom right of your timeline (see the key icons). If so delete it.

Never hear of keying sets before. This new to 2.53? Or just new to me?
Anyway, I click the key icon with the red line crossing out to delete and got this:
“Keying Set failed to remove any keyframes”

Wow. Now I see. A default scene lists all the keying sets (Location, LocRoc, LocRotScale, etc…) In the scene I’m trying to work with in 2.53 none of those are listed. It only shows “KeyingSet”. How the default list of keying sets were all replaced with this single useless one are a complete mystery to me. Is this a bug or is there a feature to remove them all in one accidental click?


It’s not that you removed them, you somehow added an empty keying set, which became active at that same time. You do this by either searching for ‘Add Empty Keying Set’ or adding one in the scene properties.

I cannot find a shortcut, so it’s kinda strange if it happened by accident

another possibility could be that you added a property or tool to a new keying set which cannot be keyframed. This is done by right-clicking on a button or property and ‘Add to Keying Set’.

In the Scene properties you could see if something is assigned to that keying set

Note sure where to find that in the Scene properties, but I did figure out how to get around it. I simply Appended each object instead of the group. Now I’m able to they like normal.

I am now having this same trouble when animating armatures. It seems to randomly start happening. I was animating my character, then suddenly I could no longer press the iKey when trying to set keyframes for the feet. I would get that same message from earlier. But for some reason I can still create keyframes by moving the feet if I have the Record button (auto-key) enable. That is the only way though. It has to be a bug.

Many thanks Richard! It works fine for me now :slight_smile:

Report to the bug traker.