I’ve been trying to read from a text file to load data, ect. Python no longer treats the .blend location as the default directory, opting instead for the main blender folder. Also, it doesn’t seem to want to notice a file even exists, unless it has made the file itself.
e.g. I tried just loading from a text file in the correct location, IOError, no such file exists. I run a different script to create a text file of the same name(deleting the first one before running) and then change the contents of the text file. try the first program again, and it has no problem with seeing the file…
I can work around the “unable to read files unless created by python” glitch, but I’m going to have trouble if it always treats the main Blender directory as the default file location.
anyone have any suggestions on circumventing the first problem, and or any explanation for the second?(a fix would be nice too ;))