Extreeeeeemly nice!
Just a quick question:
Is the render branch used to render Sintel will be merged to Trunk before the stable release?
I do understand they are on feature freeze right now, but showing off Sintel like this without blender being able to actually do it doesn’t seem right.
oh, yeah! blender 2.54 is coming out to the pipeline. thank you so much to all of the devers, making the blender, the best 3D software out there.
Same question here
AFAIK the devs have decided to wait to merge the render branch until after 2.6. Since the shading pipeline has not been recoded yet they want to wait so that they don’t have to break compatibility twice…
From the chatter on the dev list - the render branch will be on the Sintel DVDs, for the people who want to render Sintel scenes, but it looks like none of the branches (bmesh, render, gsoc, freestyle, particles, etc) will be merged in until after the current blender gets out of beta.
So an official blender release will never be able to render Sintel?..
Doesn’t make much sense to me.
Yeah the devs top priority is to get blender stable, right now there are 385 open bug reports. I think the rule of thumb is that the tracker should contain less that 50 open bug reports in order to be regarded as ‘stable enough’. So there still a long way to go…
Sintel was created on heavily alpha software that was being rewritten/updated to fix problems/issues that creating Sintel found.
Project Durian was to develop Blender, not show off a finished stable version.
Man, I hope a stable version of the new Blender comes out soon. I tried loading some .blend files of one of my games, but it crashed Blender 2.5… So yeah, I hope they fix that.
Awesome, 2.53 was relatively stable, only crashes on me rarely.
But 2.54 sounds good. Loving the splash screen as well!
There could be numerous reasons why thats happening. You cant expect pre 2.5 games to just up and run in 2.5x versions, a lot has changed. Especially python. If your game has any scripts running then Id be looking at the console window to see if any errors are being reported. Start from there to work out whats going wrong.
I spent a small amount of time getting a older game of mine to run in 2.5, its well worth it for the speed increases.
The render branch has not been tested that much outside Durian project there’s a risk of bugs and other issues. Since Brecht does no longer work at the institute and have limited time to help out with the render engine a merge would delay a release for a unknown period of time…
@ideasman42: Thanks for the link. I am not sure, exactly, how to convert from the 2.53 way to the 2.54 way.
I have a small example panel at this link:
If you have time could you post a syntax revision that would make the 2.53 script work with the 2.54 API?
(the second version of the script, down the page, is the current one.)
Well guys there is one way to get all of those things in Blender quicker, that is to donate and/ or buy things from the Blender e-shop.
As for the current state of Blender, for most people I think what’s on offer will suffice, I think getting the base rock-solid and relatively bug free is the main priority, once we have a solid foundation, then I think we’ll see many branches, and new features be brought into Blender, and I think this will happen at a much faster rate than that of 2.4x development.
Yes, it doesn’t make so much sense…
There is no risk of bugs, there is certainty of them:
Render25 branch bugs report
Render branch is very buggy, it has been coded in order to render Sintel at the minimum decent visual quality, and stop it. As for now it’s full of limitations and bad hacks to have things done and in a fast way, which is understandable, of course, but this doesn’t mean production ready.
It simply can’t be merged at its actual stage because it breaks almost everything you used to use in renders until now and I suspect it’s a very long long way before that day came.
You need a coder who can complete its development, iron out all bugs, then merge it in trunk. And brecht is the only one who understand it, at the moment…
So, we have the situation where someone did a start on a decent Blender internal renderer. That renderer was written specifically to render one movie that was supposed to show what Blender can do. It got rushed for the film’s timetable so that it will only really be usable on that one movie. As a result of that, when the guy who designed it moved on, nobody else knew how to improve it, so the whole thing is destined to go into the toilet.
So we now have this movie coming out that is supposed to show off what Blender can do. Unfortunately, the new version of Blender won’t be able to do it.
:ba: :ba: :ba: :spin:
Wrong misinterpretation. The guy is still going to work on the render branch. They are waiting to go on with it because they don’t want to break render compability twice with the shading refactor. Why are people always so negative? I guess you didn’t even read the discussion on the mailing list, yet you seem to know what’s going on with the future of the renderer.
LOL, the mailing list IS where I got that impression of what is going on!
Once Luxrender or Yafaray has all the features needed to render Sintel along with the required features in place in the (tightly integrated that replaces the BI options entirely) exporters, you won’t even care about BI.
Lux has been getting commits toward the core software almost daily, BI can go for months with very little or even zero commits, at last check Lux just in the last few weeks got its first true SSS-type material (with transmission more complex than the MatteTranslucent material)
One of the big problems with Lux is that you can not have invisible lights. With Blender Internal, you can.
Lux needs to offer up (or perhaps already has) some form of composite TAG (like C4D has) which will allow us end users to remove lights as objects in the scene, but still allow the light to make an energy contribution to the scene.