2.55 UV Unwrap questions

What happened to the unwrap - smart project options panel in 2.55? Angle etc.

Also while I’m here…does anyone know how to center the view on the cursor in 2.55 (formally “C”).

What happened to the unwrap - smart project options panel in 2.55? Angle etc.

Press T to show toolshelf, the options are at the bottom.

Also while I’m here…does anyone know how to center the view on the cursor in 2.55 (formally “C”).

View / Align View - the view options are there including keyboard shortcuts

View - Yes, under origin - but none of those center the view the way “C” did in 2.49b

I don’t see any unwrap options at the bottom of the tool shelf. At the very bottom, in edit mode, there is a panel called mesh options.

View - Yes, under origin - but none of those center the view the way “C” did in 2.49b

Yes they do.

I don’t see any unwrap options at the bottom of the tool shelf. At the very bottom, in edit mode, there is a panel called mesh options.

You need to unwrap then you’ll see options.


Ok, it’s not in the tool shelf, but it does have a weird key combo, so ok. Thanks.