2.57 align to view?

I have found in user prefs under editing the align to view option, but when I select it nothing happens. All of the objects still appear to be added from the top view. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you in advance

Align View is most useful when object sits in space all out of alignment to the world coordinate. With it you can align the view port to particular face. In Edit mode select a face that is out of alignment with the world, then use Align View to see the effect.

Changing the user preferences seems to work as expected for me

So then, align to view in 2.57 is not the same as align to view in 2.49b? I am puzzled!

Yes it is, it adds the object pointing directly at the current view rather than with a rotation of zero degress on all axes. When you add an object in the operator panel there is a checkbox to set Align to View. The user preferences just determines if this is checked on/off as default.

Thank you for the info Richard. For some reason it is working alright now, as you say, as expected.
Last night, actually early this morning, it didn’t seem to want to cooperate. I don’t know.

Thank you