I tried updating to 2.59 from 2.58 and the alpha channel on the textures does not appear to be working properly. Is this a known issue? -The project renders perfectly under 2.58. But under 2.59, the alpha channel is opaque.
Thanks - Andrew
I tried updating to 2.59 from 2.58 and the alpha channel on the textures does not appear to be working properly. Is this a known issue? -The project renders perfectly under 2.58. But under 2.59, the alpha channel is opaque.
Thanks - Andrew
I don’t think its an issue - I have got alpha channels working. Could you post some screenshots of your settings maybe?
2.58 (continued)
2.59 (not working)
Sorry the screen shots came out a little small. Was having issues getting them to attach properly, and downsized them a little too much. Thanks for the help.
So I’m guessing nobody else had this issue?
Why you didn’t just attach your blend file (including textures) I don’t know
So I’m guessing nobody else had this issue?
Not that I’ve knowingly encountered.
Haha. I suppose that would have been easier. But the original responder asked for screen shots. Oh well.
Just pull down a new Blender dude.
Visit www.graphicall.org.
Alpha does work. You must have something setup wrong. I notice you have not posted any screen shots of the material itself. Is your transparency turned on? Is the alpha value set to 0.0? Is you specularity set to 0.0?
The material is in the screen shots above (if I understand what you mean). It’s the tornado-stencil thing. And the problem I had was when I updated from 2.58 to 2.59. What’s vexing me is that it renders fine in 2.58 but loses the alpha value in 2.59–using the exact same blend file. But thanks for the response.