2.66 Viewport problems?

Have anyone noticed slow responsiveness in 3D Viewport? I am on Windows8 and have nVidia GTX 650.

I have uninstalled nVidia driver and everything is back to normal now :slight_smile:

I’ve got the same problems with my GTX 680, Blender 2.66 and the newest NVIDIA driver 314.07 (Windows 8 64-Bit). I uninstalled it too and use driver 310.90 now. Now evertihing works fine!
The newest driver 314.07 even have problems with older Blender versions!

I’m having the same problem, but I would not like to uninstall the nvidia driver. How do you GPU render? Is it still working?

Windows 8 Pro, NVidia GeForce GT 540M Driver 314.07

Any help will be appreciated.



Yes, it looks there is a problem with 214.07. Downgrading the drivers solves my problem too. thanks

Happens since 313.96 beta and only with Windows 8.
Nvidia knows.
They are going to fix it in the next verstion.

Oh and that’s the 4th thread about this within a week.

Just by luck, from my daily RSS feed, I saw this. I upgraded my nVidia driver to 3.14 and have had all kinds of problem with Blender since. For me, its the cursor not exactly hitting a selection in the menus, combined with a delay for the sub-menu to open. Very annoying. Unfortunately for me, I don’t know how to return to the older version. If it is still in my files as the exe will that work? I wish nVidia would just fix it.