I have a file (the excellent Shipyards 0.7) that works fine in previous versions to 2.8 with the fixed 20 layers. However, loading it in 2.8 creates the layers as collections, but none of the objects are visible (and yes, the eyes are “on” so they should be visible).
It loads with all collections/layers visible. Turning them off and on does nothing except I could hide the first “assembly” layer/collection. I tried turning off all the collections/layers besides the first collection, which has a completed ship and saved it within 2.8 and then tried to load it again. The collections load up with the visiblity the same… but even that first layer is now invisible!
Any suggestions? Besides reinstalling 2.7 and exporting each layer or object separately? Blech. The functionality of having different objects on multiple layers was really nice. You could find an object you wanted, copy it and move it to the assembly layer easily. And turn on the desired layer & off other layers with one modified click.
Kind of similar to this issue, Anyone else missing unique "layered" viewports?, we could have different layers visible in different views. Ah well.
At this rate, we REALLY need to have a good object manager I guess.
Ah, I see what you mean. You’re talking about Render Layers. I think dgebel is talking about ordinary Layers from the old blender 2.79.
dgebel, when I open the shipyards file, I see a collection for every one of the layers I expected to see. If I had stuff on layer 16, then I see a collection called Collection16.
However, the widget in the top right corner, shown in erickBlender’s image, is showing a different kind of layer: the ‘Render Layer’. If my file had more than one Render Layer, I’d expect this menu to show all those Render Layers.
Here’s what a different file looks like in the new blender. This one has 3 Render Layers. You can see them on the menu that erick showed us. Beneath that, you can see a list of Collections. Each one came from a ‘layer’ in the old blender.
This thread answered my question but I hadn’t known how to ask it: Missing Objects; 2.8 vanishing meshes, or; grayed out Object names in collections. I spent a minute cropping my image to illustrate this and with all due respect, will post it here for the odd coincidence that my missing 2.79 objects were also ships.
Thanks for coming back to resolve the OP - all gray Object names are missing (until now) and only the WHITE Object name is visible - I expected to find several ships, not just one.