I’m utterly dismayed to find that the unified (multi-component) extrude command present in 2.79 has been branched out into various context base ones. I want to be able to extrude any component with a single shortcut and right-click to be release it so as to adjust it later. I just hate how certain things that worked like a charm in their simplest states in the post-2.8 era have been made so unpractical in 2.8. Does anyone know how I can achieve that?
And also, I used to be able to lasso select using the middle mouse button, but in 2.8 I can’t do that. Could anyone tell me how I can go about accomplishing that?
Lasso select default is Ctrl + RMB. As for the extrude thing… can you assign a what you want to the quick favorites? I find that feature to be very helpful in my workflow… assigning all the commands I use frequently to one menu.
Since 2.80 is now LMB select by default, a number of keyboard commands naturally had to change.
People complained for YEARS about RMB select, and now that 2.80 has “fixed” that, people are having trouble finding things that have changed or moved around – not talking about you specifically, just talking about all the issues I’m seeing with folks who can’t come to grips with the changes.
Any time something messes with your workflow it can be frustrating, but I’ve already gotten comfortable with 2.80 and I have no doubt that a lot of the wrinkles we’re experiencing will be ironed out – the BF has a history of that.