2.8 animate anything addon

I notice that “animate anything” add on is no longer in the list. I would like to keyframme curve vertices. 2.8 is especially powerful now that you can edit multiple curves at the same time… (Only now I can’t keyframme the edits)
Filled 2d curves can be the backbone of great motion graphics in Blender.

Any insight on this would be appreciated.
Thank you

I have no experience with it but isn’t that what the new grease pencil is for?

The name of addon in 2.79 is AnimAll.

You are right. It is not available for 2.8. And it will probably not be exactly the same because of multi-object editing.

What you can do is using multi-object editing on shapekeys.
Be careful, Multi-object editing is working on active shapekey. We are missing tools to select active shapekey with same name or to create a shapekey on multiple objects of selections.

But I am sure that an addon will be made for that.

This aspect of 2.8 is really promising. But it needs work. And currently devs are in a debugging phase. So, maybe, it will not be there for 2.80 release but weeks or months after.


I’m also waiting impatiently for AnimAll.

Only then does PiOverFour want to rewrite his fork.

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Huh, I rarely come to BA, and just found this thread by chance. The add-on was indeed unsupported and removed from the main Blender addons repository. I updated it today. For anyone needing it, you may find it in this branch, including the previous improvements (mostly, the ability to key only selected elements).
I also opened a task on Blender Developers, so it may make it into Blender 2.81.

Testing appreciated!


Thanks for this.

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Now that’s great news! AnimAll is one of the most helpful Add-ons ever.
Thank you for doing it again @PiOverFour

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I so hope animall comes back in 2.81. It is so very useful.

I think animall has returned and is included in the official builds (nightlies):

Just search for it in Preferences/addons