[2.8 - Eevee] Normal map ends up looking... wrinkly?

I’ve had this problem before and I have reason to believe it’s not a solely 2.8 or Eevee problem and thusly I must be doing SOMETHING wrong, but I have this normal map, exported from Substance Painter, which looks just great in Marmoset, but when I bring it into Eevee it looks extra wrinkled.

My node tree is texture > bump > then into the Normal of the BDSF. Texture is set to non-colour data. Bump is on a strength of 0.15 but I don’t… think that matters really because if I make it less you can’t SEE the bump and if I make it more it, well, looks awful.

Anyone know what’s going on here? It’s usually just a toggle I haven’t toggled.

Your example pic for what it looks like in Eevee is not linked correctly. Can you try using the Normal Map node prior to the bump node?

Pff, that fixed it. Thanks so much, I was following a tutorial, ha.