2.8 Irradiance volume & Reflection cubemap broken

Hey guys, I know to satrt with 2.8 is in dev. But Ive been trying to play with Eevee for Archviz, I tried while back and baked lighting worked. Now it’s all kinds of broken.

A: are other people seeing this? B: Anyone got a semi recent build where the light baking in Eevee still worked.

Cheers J

Tried with a build from yesterday, and everything seems to be working fairly well. Try cranking up the irradiance volume intensity to something like 5 if you can’t see any bleeding.


Have you tried a more complex scene? Ive done a quick screen grab to show the problems im getting:

After building the indirect lighting everything gets messed up, even if i deleate the probes and add new ones the same happens

Ahhh, Im guessing you dont need to bake the lighting?

Ahh…I’ve had that problem many times before, but not in recent builds. I’m pretty sure it’s the reflection cubemap that’s causing it…try deleting it then re-bake the lighting to see if it clears up.

At least that way you’ve narrowed down what’s causing the issue, even though you don’t have a solution. Sorry I couldn’t be more useful.

Speaking about the irradiance volume, can’t we get something like this?
It’s still baked be after baking it supports:

  • day night cycle ( at 8:20 )
  • moving lights or remove / add lights ( at 31:20 )
  • supports volumetrics
  • works for indoor and outdoor
  • dynamic weather
  • runs smooth on current hardware

Seams to be better then the method it uses now.