2.8 keeps crashing by create material/texture or change view to rendered

2.8 keeps crashing by create material/texture or change view to rendered.
This happens on a new install just with the startup file.
No log file is written, nor i can redirect debug output to a file, shell output is truncated.

It is an lenovo pc with win7, onboard gfx. The only guess i have, perhaps it comes from several python versions installed!?

That what i get:

C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender>blender
Read prefs: C:\Users\re\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\config\userpref.blend
found bundled python: C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\python
GPUShader: linking error:
Number of Geometry Uniforms exceeds HW limits.

GPUShader: linking error:
Number of Geometry Uniforms exceeds HW limits.

GPUShader: linking error:
Number of Geometry Uniforms exceeds HW limits.

GPUShader: linking error:
Number of Geometry Uniforms exceeds HW limits.

GPUShader: linking error:
Number of Geometry Uniforms exceeds HW limits.

GPUShader: linking error:
Number of Geometry Uniforms exceeds HW limits.

Address : 0x0000000141271CB0
Module  : C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\blender.exe

With -d option:
crash_output.txt (343.5 KB)

Probably your integrated GPU is too much old and not supported (OpenGL).
And/Or its shared available memory is too low.

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Oh, thanks for the info, the Intel HD Graphics 4600 (Haswell or newer) should do it, i try to increase shared.

After latest drivers and increase share it works, thanks