2.8 selected vertices have reduced visibility

When in Edit mode, 2.8 has a lot of subtle hints to help with visualizing the mesh shape. Dynamically adjusting the mesh framework size and colour of vertices and edges to indicate depth in your view for example.

I love 2.8 - mostly. However I have an issue. Selected vertices that are directly facing in your view are very hard to see in solid and lov-dev views and even in some rendered views, depending on the colour of the object

This is especially true on curved surfaces. e.g. add a sphere, tab to edit mode, select all -> and the middle portion, almost the entire hemisphere is VERY difficult to see. I think it’s because the new depth mode for vertices scales the size of the vertices AND the colour is almost the same as the connected lines, especially on the “lit” surfaces.

Even on rectangular object you will get the same effect, when the lit side of a cube is nearly facing you. e.g. sudivide a cube and go to the full front/top/side view.

Can anything be done about this? Maybe an option to increase the size or change the colour of selected vertices? Reduce the edge size or colour? Maybe reduce the brightness of “lit” sides of the mesh? Tweak the depth/size cue algorithm?

Themes -> 3D View has settings including Vertex Select, Vertex Size, Edge Select, and Active Vert/Edge/Face. I think you’re always going to have contrast issues with vertices and models having the same colors in the viewport. At least until they add an inverse or color burn to the theme settings. :smiley: