2.80 can't edit mesh in file created in 2.79

I am trying to edit a model I created in 2.79 iin 2.80.
I opened the file in 2.80 and I am unable to edit any of the meshes in it. I can select veritces, edges and faces, but I cannot delete, scale or translate them. Also viewport orbit around selected object’s origin rather than the selected element. This also occurs with any new geometry that I add to the scene.

I tried opening the file again in 2.79, but it just crashes to the desktop now.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated,

Could be just editor settings, but hard to say without seeing the blend file. If nothing else helps, you can try to import the needed object and whatever into a new, empty blend file created with 2.80.

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did you keep your original file in 2.79 ?

try to append things form the 2.79 file or on win 10 try to copy and paste into the 2.81 file

it would help if you can upload a sample file

happy bl

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Thanks for the suggestions.
I was able to append the objects into 2.81 from an older copy of my project. Things work better now, and I didn’t lose much work.
Thanks for the help.