2.80 Freeze Draped Cloth?

I have a specific frame of a cloth simulation (nothing fancy, just a plane draped over a cube) that I’m happy with – I want to freeze the plane into that shape so I can edit it.

Sorry for such a simple question, but I must be searching on the wrong terms or something.

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Move the playback head to the frame where you want to freeze the cloth.
Select the cloth.
Activate the Modifiers context and locate the cloth modifier.
Click Apply to freeze the cloth shape at that frame.


I also had the same question, this worked as intended… but I still have a huge data file.

-Original file had no animation data - created scene in a single frame. In my example my original file size is 4K.
-I did the physics generation using 250 frames… baked - the file size is 95M.
-I do the steps indicated above…
-Now the file is 25M. The bake data appears gone. Is the remaining 25M of data from the animation? ( 250 frames needed for original bake )

If so, how do I return this to a single frame again and restore the file size to normal.


Save out your single frame mesh to disk, then import it into a new BLEND file. Or try opening a new Blend file and using the File/Append feature to pick only that object from your original BLEND.