can anyone else confirm that the gradient tool in weight paint mode is broken? i’m on macos and many of the options are missing. most notably i can’t set the blending mode so i can subtract or add gradient weights.
can anyone else confirm that the gradient tool in weight paint mode is broken? i’m on macos and many of the options are missing. most notably i can’t set the blending mode so i can subtract or add gradient weights.
yep, same here.
I’m used to just use the simple draw tool for weight painting as a workaround, and just alt dragging for the gradient tool, those settings still work so you can just add and substract like that. ctrl+alt drag for radial gradient.
i just tried this and modifier while dragging just manipulate the viewport. do i need to remap a bunch of hotkeys for this to work?
also does anyone know if this is an intended change or a bug? if its the latter i’ll file a report, as its still in latest builds
No, this should work out of the box. Honestly, I think it’s more convenient than having to switch to the gradient tool all the time.
Turns out I had to disable “emulate 3 button mouse” for it to work, but now I’m good thanks!
I may still file a bug report even if it’s accessible via that alternative shortcut, I’m still not sure if I’m losing anything disabling that mouse feature. I work heavily with the trackpad which is an edge case I know, but I’ve become surprisingly proficient!
Ye, I feel you, using a trackpad myself a lot during the day.
You’re right, might be worth reporting it. I’d wait till after the curfew though, maybe that way it’d get more serious attention.