2.82 - what's going on - noise

Or, more specifically, a lack of noise. I decided to give the zen kernel a go, and of course I had to make sure it didn’t compromise Blender, so I fired up an old scene and thought I’d give OIDN a chance with it, too.

Now, I’m not saying that the kernel is really instrumental in this, but WTF. This needed 1000 samples with denoising (internal - not OIDN), so I started to drop samples down, until I reached 1 sample render.

Now, I know there are issues with this. It will never be a production render (and I’m not even sure I’ve chosen the final blend anyway - in fact I’m certain I haven’t), but again, this is a 1 sample render.

What’s going on?

EDIT: To be clear - this is cycles.

For comparison, this is just 16 samples. Full disclosure, 1 sample is still a 53 second render, and 16 samples is around 2.5 minutes, but still - WTF.


This looks about right to me. The materials and lighting in the scene is pretty easy to render and denoise which means you’ll get a pretty good result with few samples. You’re losing fine detail when denoising, which is to be expected.