2.93 Fluid Sim - Fluid particles floating?

I have made a simple fluid simulation. Cude as fluid domain, one inflow object and a plane as an obstacle. The inflow object’s flow behavior is set to ‘Geometry’, so (as I understand this) the fluid is generated at the start of the sim in the volume of the inflow object and then there ist no more fluid generated.

My problem ist that in the end there is a lot more fluid (if the mesh of the fluid is conidered) in the domain than it was at the start. If only the fluid particles are considered, it looks as the particles were floating on top of an (invisible) bulk of fluid.

Is that a bug or have I overlooked an option? The pictures show the fluid particles at frame 1, 70 and 250.
untitled.blend (837.6 KB)

Check out the Liquid roll out. My guess is once the flip particles can expand into the larger space, they tend more toward the Particles Maximum value instead of minimum. Try moving those values closer together, and or set the System Maximum.

Here is min/max set to 9 and system maximum set to 4096. The particle count seems to be more consistent throughout the animation.