2 airbrush paintings

just me and my air compressor.



Very cool. How about some specs on your airbrush? Just curious. I was using an airbrush a few years ago to paint t-shirts and hats. I have always loved airbrush work. But lately been to busy to do anything.

I used a badger. It’s getting kind of hard to find parts for them these days I noticed. I have a fairly large compressor, and run its tank through another tank, to minimize pressure related problems.

nice pictures :slight_smile: i like. can i see bigger ones please :smiley:

air brushes i have a few questions

how much do they cost?
do you have to have more than 1 for different colours?
is the paint/inc expensive?

  1. I salvaged the pics off my old site. the original data was lost in the crash, so when I rescan them, yes.
  2. Airbrushes can be quite cheap to expensive. the pricey component is the air compressor. Get a nice big one at a hardware store for cheap instead of buying a wimpy one at an art store for not so cheap.
  3. No, just pick an airbrush that has an interchangable well, and blow the old paint out with water or turpentine between color changes. Most airbrush artists work in layers of basic colors. same concept as color printing, or mixing color channels in blender. Usually you start with yellow, then red, then blue, then green. Or think of it as the color channels in photoshop or gimp.
  4. You can use most kinds of paint with it. I use oil paint usually, and water it down with turpentine before loading it.


I absolutely love this peice!! Great job.